ESSAY: The Architectural Fragment as Space between Environment and Society by Imke Woelk
in Heike Hanada | fragmental_ | english | 2024 | 176 p. | Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König
Further essays by Filip Dujardin, Job Floris, Simona Malvezzi, Oda Pälmke, Uwe Schröder, Giuseppe Strappa, Peter Wilson, Rahel Whiteread.
Imke Woelk describes the fragmentary space as a flexible form of architecture that does not function as a closed whole and does not have fixed boundaries. Instead, it serves as a bridge between the environment and society and can influence both public spaces and ecological conditions. One example of this is the Neue Nationalgalerie by Mies van der Rohe. The significance and form of the building depend heavily on how it is used and how it relates to its surroundings. Woelk advocates for architecture that does not separate but connects. She sees architecture as a way to create a balance between human activities and the needs of nature. In this context, she refers to the book The Dawn of Everything by David Graeber and David Wengrow, which encourages designing a bolder and more determined future.
"Nicht nur Erd- und Klimawissenschaftler*innen gehen seit langem die Wände hoch. Gesetzlich fixierte Baustandards verhindern den Wandel und werden zum Feind der Architektur. Unsere Umwelt ist von einem mineralischen in einen organischen Lebensraum weiterzuentwickeln. Wir sind immer schon Symbionten gewesen. Genetisch, entwicklungsgeschichtlich, anatomisch, physiologisch, neurologisch, ökologisch“ (Imke Woelk im Interview mit Andreas Grosz, KAP FORUM Köln)
It's not just earth and climate scientists who started climbing the walls a long time ago. Statutory building standards prevent change and are becoming the enemy of architecture. Our environment needs to evolve from a mineral to an organic habitat. We have always been symbionts. Genetically, evolutionarily, anatomically, physiologically, neurologically, ecologically. (Imke Woelk in an interview with Andreas Grosz, KAP FORUM Cologne)

In his live broadcast 'Shaping the Future,' Gert Scobel discussed the necessary transformations in culture, society, and politics with Imke Woelk, Stephan Brunnhuber, and Frederic Hanusch. The 3-Sat broadcast is now also available online.
ESSAY: The Architectural Fragment as Space between Environment and Society
by Imke Woelk
in: Heike Hanada | fragmental_ | book | english (2024) | 176 p. | Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König
Further essays by Filip Dujardin, Job Floris, Simona Malvezzi, Oda Pälmke, Uwe Schröder, Giuseppe Strappa, Peter Wilson, Rahel Whiteread.
Imke Woelk describes the fragmentary space as a flexible form of architecture that does not function as a closed whole and does not have fixed boundaries. Instead, it serves as a bridge between the environment and society and can influence both public spaces and ecological conditions. One example of this is the Neue Nationalgalerie by Mies van der Rohe. The significance and form of the building depend heavily on how it is used and how it relates to its surroundings. Woelk advocates for architecture that does not separate but connects. She sees architecture as a way to create a balance between human activities and the needs of nature. In this context, she refers to the book The Dawn of Everything by David Graeber and David Wengrow, which encourages designing a bolder and more determined future.
Imke Woelk, Trembling and amazement, ARCHITEKTURGALERIE AM WEISSENHOF
Imke Woelk recommends reconsidering the nature of human capabilities and placing the products shaped by wind, water and light on an equal footing with man-made work. She proposes to overcome the historiography of art, its temporal, object-related limitations and hierarchizations, and to start with a common cultural history that integrates the ecology of the planet.
17.02. - 10.04.2022
Symposium at the German Academy Rome VILLA MASSIMO.
Organizer: Chair for Building Typologies, Prof. Heike Hanada, TU Dortmund
Lecture by IMKE WOELK: Characteristics of a fragmentary space
Further participants: Verena von Beckerath, Emanuel Christ & Christoph Gantenbein, Adria Daraban, Filip Dujardin, Job Floris, Heike Hanada, Simona Malvezzi, Marco Provinciali, Oda Pälmke, Uwe Schröder, Giuseppe Strappa, Andrea Simitch & Val Warke, Rahel Whiteread, Imke Woelk, Peter L. Wilson
24. - 25.02.2022
Rome forms the foundation of a basic understanding of the identity and heritage of European architecture. Its ruinous monumentality* is still more visibly present today for the city, for architecture and art than perhaps in no other metropolis in Europe. As a thematic follow-up to the symposium „monumental_public buildings at the beginning of the 21st century“ 2019 at the Baukunstarchiv NRW, the theme of „fragmental_dissolution of public space“ at the 2022 symposium at the Villa Massimo in Rome examines the ambivalent identity of a monumental and simultaneously romantic understanding of space between the built environment and its dissolution, between architecture and the reconquest of space by nature. At a time when our relationship to the unbuilt, to the „natural“ is being radically questioned and the static role of architecture is beginning to falter, concepts such as dissolution and fragmentation seem to be taking on a new identity forming role in recent architectural development. But how does the relationship between architecture and the city develop? The symposium seeks to take up the concept of the „public“ within recent positions and to critically reflect on its relation to a classical-romantic understanding of architecture.
Every animal is more or less human, every mineral is more or less plant, every plant is more or less animal. There is no sharp demarcation in nature – Denis Diderot, ‚D’Alembert’s Dream‘ [written in 1769, published in 1830]
Berlin's Neue Nationalgalerie is reopening, August 2021
Essay by Imke Woelk on a vital cultural landmark, 2021
7th chapter of her PhD thesis: The Practical Value of the Hall at Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin
reading sample
Renovation of Berlin's Neue Nationalgalerie complete.
This cultural landmark will be in need again.
The Practical Value of the Pavilion at Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin - Dissertation by Imke Woelk
reading sample
IMKEWOELK participates in this outstanding European architectural program with her project of an Inner-City Nature Reserve, March - October 2021
Exhibition by ANCB The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory at AEDES Architecture Forum Berlin about new spatial requirements, societal demands and economic values in architecture
IMKEWOELK will exhibit the project HYPERCITY
Other projects by: Team Stadsvrijheid, Rafi Segal A+U, Rogers Stirk Harbour, Other Architects, INCLS, Alfredo Brillembourg, Experientia, UNStudio, A-01, Anna Heringer, DnA_Design and Architecture, feld72, Sauerbruch Hutton, nonconform
16 January - 13 May 2021