Hypercity 2130

Concept for urban growth corridors within natural spaces

Hypercity is an urban model that increases the natural space necessary for a healthy ecosystem to 50% by attaching it to existing mobility infrastructures. The hypothesis describes a futuristic agglomeration stretching along the A24 Berlin – Hamburg highway. Existing urban resources are efficiently used for new habitats and the Human is firmly integrated into stable ecosystems between plants and animals.



Hypercity, free of fossil fuels and based on ecological building and utilization principles. Infrastructure as a healthy and central element of the urban society


Imke Woelk: Growth programme I-V, Acrylic on foamboard panel, 10 x 4 cm, 2002


Urban agriculture along existing infrastructure and high density urbanisation


Protected Area for Biodiversity: Schematic cross section


Urban expansion along a superstructure. Creation of architectural boundaries in relation to the natural space.


ProgrammeMultipolar linear city along a suprastructure
StatusStudy (ongoing research on the city model (Common Archipelagos))

Group exhibition at ANCB The Aedes Metropolitain Laboratory, Berlin: 'Human Scale Remeasured', 2021
Group exhibition at BDA Galerie Berlin: 'Infrastructure', 2018
LocationFederal Highway A24, Berlin-Hamburg
ServicesProgram analysis, strategic concept, design planning, visualization

PublicationAedes Architecture Forum Berlin, ANCB: Human Scale Remeasured, 2021
Datue2018 - ongoing